Bilkent Journal Publications - In other journals* (2014)

(*) Journals in ISI indexes other than SCI, SSCI and AHCI, plus other non-ISI journals.
  • Faculty of Business Administration
    • Department of Management
      • M. Tadajewski, J. Chelekis, B. DeBerry-Spence, B. Figueiredo, O. Kravets, K. Nuttavuthisit, L. Penazola, J. Moisander, "The discourses of marketing and development: towards 'critical transformative marketing research'", J of Marketing Management, 30, 1728-1771 (2014)  PDF
      • K. Hamilton, M.G. Piacentini, E. Banister, A. Barrios, C.P. Blocker, C.A. Coleman, A. Ekici, H. Gorge, M. Hutton, F. Passerard, B. Saatcioglu, "Poverty in Consumer Culture: Towards A Tranformative Social Representation", J of Marketing Management, 30, 1833-1857 (2014)  PDF
      • M.S. Gonul, E. Soyer, D. Onkal, "Decision Analysis in Turkey", Decision Analysis Today, 33, 16-18 (2014)
      • B. Depecik, Y.M. van Everdingen, G.H. van Bruggen, "Firm Value Effects of Global, Regional, and Local Brand Divestments in Core and Non-Core Busienesses", Global Strategy Journal, 4, 143-160 (2014)  PDF
      • M.K. Kozan, L. Akdeniz, "Role of Strong versus Weak Networks in Small Business Growth in an Emerging Economy", Administrative Sciences, 4, 35-50 (2014)  PDF
  • Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
    • Department of Economics
      • H. Berument, A. Sahin, S. Sahin, "The relative effects of crude oil price and exchange rate on petroleum product prices: Evidence from a set of Northern Meditteranean countries", Economic Modelling, 42, 243-249 (2014)
      • A.E. Yeldan, G. Kolsuz, B. Unuvar, "What to Smooth: Rate of Interest or the Foreign Exchange? Turkish Monetary Policy under Turbulent Times", Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 10, 247-262 (2014)  PDF
      • A. Sahin, A. Tansel, H. Berument, "Output-Employment Relationship across the Employment Status: Evidence from Turkey", Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 7, 99-121 (2014)  PDF
    • Department of History
      • K. Weisbrode, "The Political and Cultural Underpinnings of Atlanticism's Crisis in the 1960s", GHI Bulletin Supplement., 41-61 (2014)  PDF
      • M. Kalpakli, N. Demirkol, "Eternal Narratives of the Silk Road: The Thousand and One Nights from Samarkand to Istanbul", Bulletin of IICAS, 19, 81-97 (2014)
    • Department of International Relations
      • C.E. Mutlu, M.B. Salter, "Commensurability of research methods in critical security studies", Critical Studies on Security, 2.
    • Department of Political Science and Public Administration
      • I. Grigoriadis, "The Cyprus Question: A Window of Opportunity in 2014?", IEMED Observatory Focus, 110, 1-3 (2014)  PDF
      • T. Erman, "Ethnography in the Urban Periphery: Understanding the Gecekondu", Ethnologie Francaise, 44, 267-278 (2014)
    • Department of Psychology
      • A. Nicolopoulou, H. Ilgaz, "What do we know about pretend play and narrative development? A response to Lillard, Lerner, Hopkins, Dore , Smith, and Palmquist on "The impact of pretend play on children's development: A review of the evidence", American J of Play, 6, 55-81 (2014)  PDF
  • Faculty of Education
      • M.R. Nigdelioglu, M.C. Ayar, M.S. Corlu, "Clarifying the Relationship Between Teacher Movement and Culture", International Schools Journal, 34, 67-74 (2014)  PDF
      • M.S. Corlu, "Which preparatory cirriculum for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is best? The challenge for international schools with regard to mathematics and science", International Review of Education..  PDF
    • Teaching English as a Foreign Language
      • L. Buckingham, "Attitudes to English teachers' accents in the Arabian Gulf", Int J of Applied Linguistics, 24, 50-73 (2014)  PDF
      • A. Engin, D. Ortactepe, "Gender differences in item format and skill area: Some evidence from an EFL Acheievement Test", J of Language Teaching and Learning, 4, 48-62 (2014)  PDF
      • L. Buckingham, "'Fresh variants and formulations frozen': Structural features of commercial signs in Oman", Int J of Applied Linguistics..  PDF
  • Faculty of Engineering
    • Department of Computer Engineering
      • G. Tamazian, S. Simonov, P. Dobrynin, A. Makunin, A. Logachev, ..., C. Alkan, ..., S.J. O'Brien, "Annotated features of domestic cat-Felis catus genome", GigaScience, 3, 13 (2014)  PDF
    • Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
      • A. Ghobadi, K. Topalli, N. Biyikli, A.K. Okyay, "Complementary spiral resonators for ultrawideband suppression of simultaneous switching noise in high-speed circuits", Progress in Electromagnetic Research C, 46, 117-124 (2014)  PDF
      • A. Haider, C. Ozgit-Akgun, F. Kayaci, A.K. Okyay, T. Uyar, N. Biyikli, "Fabrication of AIN/BN Bishell Hollow Nanofibers by Electrospinning and Atomic Layer Deposition", Apl Materials, 2, 096109 (2014)  PDF
  • Faculty of Humanities and Letters
    • Department of American Culture and Literature
      • J.A. Reimer, "All the Pretty Mexican Girls: Whiteness and Racial Desire in Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses and Cities of the Plain", Western American Literature, 48, 432-442 (2014)  PDF
      • C. Rivera, "The Brown Threat: Post 9/11 Conflations of Latina/os and Muslims in the American Imagination", Latino Studies, 12, 44-64 (2014)  PDF
    • Department of Archaeology
      • T. Zimmermann, "Ancient Jewelry in Turkey", Springer Encyc. History of Sci. Tech & Non-West. Cult., 1-15 (2014)
    • Department of English Language and Literature
      • G. Kurtulus, "Patriotism, Morality and the Spirit of Macbeth's Ambition in Dunsinane", Int J of Scottish Theatre Studies and Screen, 7, 57-85 (2014)  PDF
    • Department of Turkish Literature
      • N. Tezcan, "18. yuzyilda Klasik Mesnevide Degisim ve Surerlik Baglaminda Seyh Galib'in Husn u Ask'inin "isikname" Olarak Kurgusu", J of Turkish Studies, 40, 401-422 (2014)
  • Faculty of Law
    • Faculty of Law
      • H. Pinar, "Kooperatif Yoneticilerinin Gorevden Alinmasi ve Denetim", Gazi Universitesi Hukuk Dergisi, 18, 139-174 (2014)  PDF
      • H. Pinar, "Rekabet hukuku ile haksiz rekabet hukuku iliskisi", Rekabet Dergisi, 15, 59-87 (2014)  PDF
      • A. Bayata-Canyas, "Hukuki Sartlar Olusmadan Verilmis olan Turk Vatandasligi Kazanma Kararinin Geri Alinmasinda Sure Sorunu", Turkiye Barolar Birligi Dergisi, 114, 347-360 (2014)  PDF
      • E. Goztepe, "Turkiye Avrupa Insan Haklari Sozlesmesi'ne Ek 4.Protokolle Bagli Midir? Anayasa Mahkemesi'ne Bireysel Basvuru Hakki Acisindan Bir Degerlendirme: Rona Aybay'a Armagan", Legal Hukuk Dergisi..
      • G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, "Yabanci Unsurlu Tuketici Sozlesmelerinden Dogan Uyusmazliklarda Turk Mahkemelerinin Milletlerarasi Yetkisinin Tayini", Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, 63, 833-878 (2014)
      • T. Katoglu, "Turk Ceza Kanunu'nda Iskence Tanimi: Rona Aybay'a Armagan", Legal Hukuk Dergisi, 4, 1457-1482 (2014)
      • G. Bayraktaroglu Ozcelik, "Bruksel I Tuzugu Hukumleri Uyarinca Tuketicinin Korunmasi - Prof. Dr. Rona Ayabay'a Armagan", Legal Hukuk Dergisi, 1, 527-558 (2014)
      • Z. Aytac, "Yonetim Kurulu Uyelerinin Hakimiyetinin Hukuka Aykiri Kullanilmasindan Dogan Sorumlulugu", Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi, 29, 5-55 (2014)
      • H.C. Aksoy, "Cevap ve Duzeltme Hakki Cercevesinde Haberin Gercege Aykiriligi", Turkiye Barolar Birligi Dergisi, 112, 55-72 (2014)  PDF
      • E.E. Dalkilic, "Elektronik Tebligatin Idari Islemler Bakimindan Degerlendirmesi", Hacettepe Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, 4, 107-124 (2014)  PDF
      • C. Manavgat, "Anonim Ortakliklarda Bagimsiz Dentimin Kapsami", Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi, 30, 39-61 (2014)
      • C. Manavgat, "Bagimsiz Yonetim Kurulu Uyelerinin Islevleri ve Sahip Olmalari Gereken Nitelikler", Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi, 30, 33-75 (2014)
      • B. Ozcelik, "Sozlesmeden Dogan Borclarin Ifasinda Hukuki Imkansizlik ve Sonuclari", Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, 63, 569-621 (2014)
  • Faculty of Science
    • Department of Chemistry
      • I. Tunc, H. Sezen, H.O. Guvenc, S. Suzer, "Charge Storage and Release onto Au and Ag Nanoparticles in Aqueous Medium as probed by Optical Spectroscopy", J of Spectroscopy and Dynamics, 4, 1-5 (2014)
    • Department of Mathematics
      • W.D. Banks, A. Guloglu, R.C. Vaughan, "Waring's problem for Beatty sequences and a local to global principle", J Theor. Nombres Bordeaux, 26, 1-16 (2014)  PDF
      • S. Sertoz, "Dirichlet problem for polynomials on the unit disk", Communications of the Korean Math Society, 29, 415-420 (2014)  PDF
    • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
      • B. Gungor, F.C. Yagci, I. Gursel, M. Gursel, "Forging a potent vaccine adjuvant: CpG ODN/cationic peptide nanorings", Oncolmmunology, 3, 950166-1--3 (2014)  PDF
      • S. Atakan, H. Bayiz, S. Sak, A. Poyraz, B. Vural, A.S. Yildirim, F. Demirag, A.O. Gure, "Autologous anti-SOX2 antibody responses reflect intensity but not frequency of antigen expression in small cell lung cancer", BMC Clinical Pathology, 14, 1-8 (2014)  PDF
      • J. Shih, M. Rahman, Q.T. Luong, S.H. Lomeli, J. Riss, R.M. Prins, A.O. Gure, G. Zeng, "Dominant B-cell epitopes from cancer/stem cell antigen SOC2 recognized by serum samples from cancer patients", American J of Clin Exp Immunol, 3, 84-90 (2014)  PDF
  • Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
    • Materials Science and Nanotechnology
      • A. Haider, C. Ozgit-Akgun, F. Kayaci, A.K. Okyay, T. Uyar, N. Biyikli, "Fabrication of AIN/BN Bishell Hollow Nanofibers by Electrospinning and Atomic Layer Deposition", Apl Materials, 2, 096109 (2014)  PDF
      • J. Shih, M. Rahman, Q.T. Luong, S.H. Lomeli, J. Riss, R.M. Prins, A.O. Gure, G. Zeng, "Dominant B-cell epitopes from cancer/stem cell antigen SOC2 recognized by serum samples from cancer patients", American J of Clin Exp Immunol, 3, 84-90 (2014)  PDF
      • S. Atakan, H. Bayiz, S. Sak, A. Poyraz, B. Vural, A.S. Yildirim, F. Demirag, A.O. Gure, "Autologous anti-SOX2 antibody responses reflect intensity but not frequency of antigen expression in small cell lung cancer", BMC Clinical Pathology, 14, 1-8 (2014)  PDF
      • B. Gungor, F.C. Yagci, I. Gursel, M. Gursel, "Forging a potent vaccine adjuvant: CpG ODN/cationic peptide nanorings", Oncolmmunology, 3, 950166-1--3 (2014)  PDF
      • S. Sur, M.O. Guler, M.J. Webber, E.T. Pashuck, M. Ito, S.I. Stupp, T. Launey, "Synergistic regulation of cerebellar Purkinje neuron development by laminin epitopes and collagen on an artificial hybrid matrix construct", Biomaterials Science, 2, 903 (2014)  PDF
      • I. Tunc, H. Sezen, H.O. Guvenc, S. Suzer, "Charge Storage and Release onto Au and Ag Nanoparticles in Aqueous Medium as probed by Optical Spectroscopy", J of Spectroscopy and Dynamics, 4, 1-5 (2014)
      • A. Ghobadi, K. Topalli, N. Biyikli, A.K. Okyay, "Complementary spiral resonators for ultrawideband suppression of simultaneous switching noise in high-speed circuits", Progress in Electromagnetic Research C, 46, 117-124 (2014)  PDF
  • School of Applied Languages
    • Translation and Interpretation
      • M. Kaya, "Le Jardin des Plantes et Mon nom est Rouge : Hypotypose, Ekphrasis et Thèmes Communs", Nouvelles Etudes Francophones, 29, 27-41 (2014)  PDF