Bilkent Journal Publications - In other journals* (2018)

(*) Journals in ISI indexes other than SCI, SSCI and AHCI, plus other non-ISI journals.
  • Faculty of Education
      • J.F. Lane, A. Ateskan, O. Dulun, "Turkish teachers’ use of the outdoors as a teaching resource: Perceived facilitators and obstacles", Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 14-28 (2018)  PDF
  • Faculty of Science
    • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
      • T.T. Olmez, E. Yuca, E. Eyupoglu, H.B. Catalak, O. Sahin, U.O.S. Sezer, "Autonomous Synthesis of Fluorescent Silica Biodots Using Engineered Fusion Proteins", ACS Omega, 3, 585-594 (2018)  PDF
  • Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
    • Materials Science and Nanotechnology
      • T.T. Olmez, E. Yuca, E. Eyupoglu, H.B. Catalak, O. Sahin, U.O.S. Sezer, "Autonomous Synthesis of Fluorescent Silica Biodots Using Engineered Fusion Proteins", ACS Omega, 3, 585-594 (2018)  PDF
  • School of Applied Technology and Management
    • Tourism and Hotel Management
      • A. Bas-Collins, F. Azmat, R. Rentschler, "Bringing everyone on the same journey': revisiting inclusion in higher education", Studies in Higher Education..  PDF