Home » 2020 TÜBA-GEBİP Awards Go to Bilkent Faculty and Alumni

2020 TÜBA-GEBİP Awards Go to Bilkent Faculty and Alumni

Bilkent faculty members and alumni are among the individuals to have received this year’s Outstanding Young Scientist Awards from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).

The Bilkent faculty awardees are: Asst. Prof. Eliza Gheorghe (Department of International Relations), Res. Asst. Prof. Hulusi Kafalıgönül (UMRAM and UNAM), Project Post-Doc Ghaith Makey (UNAM), Asst. Prof. Ahmet Şensoy (Department of Management), and Asst. Prof. Efe Tokdemir (Department of International Relations).

Bilkent alumni Assoc. Prof. Yaşar Akdoğan (CHEM ’04 MSc ’06), Assoc. Prof. Rıfat Onur Umucalılar (PHYS ’04 PhD ‘10 ), Assoc. Prof. Kamil Boratay Alıcı (PHYS ’04 PhD ’10), Dr. Hasan Çolak (HIST MA ’08) are also among the 2020 award recipients.

TÜBA introduced the Program to Award Young Scientists (GEBİP) in 2001 to recognize and support outstanding young researchers working in the natural and social sciences, engineering and medicine.

Eliza Gheorghe
Hulusi Kafalıgönül
Ghaith Makey









Ahmet Şensoy
Efe Tokdemir