Bilkent University has health centers on both the Main and East Campuses providing health care to all faculty and administrative staff members and students. These facilities serve as polyclinics on weekdays during business hours, and as urgent care centers after working hours. Experienced physicians and nurses, as well as three ambulances, are available for emergency cases 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The health centers have well-equipped in-house laboratories for immediate medical analyses, such as blood count and chemistry, urine analysis, X-rays and ultrasound examinations. Test results are often available on the same day as your visit. (It may take longer to receive the results of some other tests, which are sent to reference labs.)
Other available services include disease prevention plans, patient referrals and education programs for students and staff members on general medical issues and first aid. In addition to the centers’ full-time healthcare providers, there are also specialists who can be seen by appointment only. Please refer to the schedules shown in the chart before making an appointment. Note that our current private group health insurance plan pays in full the charges for the services of medical specialists at the Bilkent health centers, as well as for those of physicians who are on the approved list for the plan. As mentioned earlier, coverage of the group health insurance plan may be subject to changes each year. Please ask Health Center personnel about appointment and payment procedures for the specialists.
Physicians at the University health centers can authorize only a two-day absence report. If you have a medical condition requiring consultation and hospitalization, you can be referred to specialists in a hospital. Medications, both prescribed and over the counter, are sold only at pharmacies. There are a few pharmacies (“eczane” in Turkish) located very close to the University, and many to be found throughout the city. Pharmacies are open until 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and closed on Sundays. However, there is always a pharmacy open 24 hours a day in each district. The name and address of the pharmacy that is on call on a particular day is displayed in the window of the other pharmacies. You can also call 11811 to find out which pharmacy is on call in your area.
- Ömür Eczanesi, Next to the Main Campus Health Center, 266 4140, ext:1483
- Bilkent Eczanesi, Ankuva Shopping Center 266 7259
- Ankuva Eczanesi, Ankuva Shopping Center 266 6577
It is always helpful to bring your previous health records, such as physician’s notes, test results, records of immunizations and prescribed medications, and personal and family medical history reports in case you should need emergency medical attention or treatment while you are here. Even though most doctors and medical care providers can speak English, wallet-size health information card written in Turkish can be very practical, saving you time in case of emergency. On the card, you should indicate your blood type as well
as any allergies, chronic illnesses and infectious diseases.
Health Centers Contact Information
Main Campus: 266 4337 or ext. 1666
At all hours and in case of emergency: 266 4050 or 266 4051,
ext. 6666
Contact Person: Mr. Mete Salih Aker, M.D. is the Director of the Health Center.