Physics Colloquia: “Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Dopant-Driven Color Change in Perovskite Crystals,” Hasan Şahin, SU-01 (UNAM), 3:40PM February 27 (EN)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are kindly invited to follow the series of colloquia organized by the Department of Physics, Bilkent University.

The 1st talk of this term will be presented by Hasan Şahin – Department of Photonics, Izmir Institute of Technology
The title of his talk is “Experimental and theoretical investigation of dopant-driven color change in perovskite crystals”

Date: Wednesday February 27, 2019
Time: 15:40
Place: SU – 01 (UNAM)

The Following Schedule

MAR 13  Clara Saraceno — Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science Ruhr University, Germany

High-power modelocked thin-disk lasers  for compact high-repetition rate sources  from the XUV to the THz.


APR 10 Abu Sebastian —  IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland

Brain-inspired computing at multiple levels of inspiration:  A memory device perspective


MAY 8 Ulrike Diebold — Institute of Applied Physics TU Wien, Austri

An atomic-scale view on oxide surfaces


MAY 15 M. Clelia Righi — Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Computational (nano)tribology    and materials to reduce friction

All interested are cordially invited!