Seminar: “Blockchain as a Database and Cryptocurrencies,” Prof. Dr. Abdullah Uz Tansel (Thammasat University, Thailand & Baruch College and The Graduate Center City University of New York), EA-409, 1:40PM January 7 (EN)

S E M I N A R: “Blockchain as a Database and Cryptocurrencies”

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Uz Tansel
Thammasat University, Pattaya Campus, Thailand
Baruch College and The Graduate Center City University of New York, USA

Throughout the history, exchange of trusted information among people played an essential role in every aspect of their lives: socially, economically and politically. Traditionally, data and information are recorded in books and recently in databases. Blockchain is an innovation in database technology for record keeping in a permanent, immutable, decentralized, global, and trustless ledger. It combines distributed computing, databases, networks and cryptography and is relatively new, and rapidly evolving. It allows people to digitize their current relationships as well as forming new secure digital ones that were impossible before, since data is disclosed, secured and recorded differently in a blockchain database system. A revolution is taking place where individuals are being empowered in a strong system of digital identity in managing their individual data from social and economic interactions to health care records. At the same time, seamless and prompt inter-organizational data flow and data sharing is reshaping the organizations, both public and private. In this talk, we will examine the blockchain as a database and cryptocurrencies as one of the applications of this innovative technology.

Bio: Abdullah Uz Tansel received his BS in management, and his MS and PhD degrees in computer science from the Middle East Technical University, in Ankara Turkey. He has also received his MBA degree at the University of Southern California. After being a faculty member at the Middle East Technical University, Dr. Tansel joined Baruch College, the City University of New York (CUNY) where he is currently a professor of information systems and also a professor of computer science at The Graduate Center of CUNY. Professor Tansel’s research focus is on temporal databases and he has made significant contributions in this field. He also headed the editorial board that published the first book on temporal databases ‘Temporal Databases: Theory, Design, and Implementation’ (1993). Dr. Tansel has a patent on adding temporality to RDF. His research interests are Database Management Systems, Temporal Databases, Semantic Web, and Blockchain Databases. Dr. Tansel has published many articles in the conferences and journals of the ACM, IEEE and other organizations. He is a frequent speaker on time in databases and blockchain as a database. He is also a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.

DATE: 07 January 2019, Monday @ 13:40