MATH Semineri: “Longest Increasing Subsequences in Permutations,” Gökhan Yıldırım, SA-141, 16:00 20 Kasım (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are kindly invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.
Speaker: Gökhan Yıldırım (Bilkent University)

Abstract: In this survey talk, I will review some interesting results related to the longest increasing subsequence problem such as Erdös-Szekeres Lemma, patience-sorting algorithm, Young tableaux and Schensted correspondence. We will also see how the problem can be reformulated as an interacting particle process. Another reformulation of the problem in permutation-patterns context will be discussed along with some open problems.
The talk will be based on the following survey paper:
Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 36 (1999), no. 4 by Aldous and Diaconis.

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Time: 16:00
Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA – 141