The Department of American Culture and Literature cordially invites all Bilkent students and faculty to the following talk:
“The Resurgence of Native Americans Today”
Talk given by Richard Wandschneider, Director, Josephy Library of Western History and Culture, Joseph, Oregon.
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Place: G-160 (G Building, room 160)
Refreshments will be served.
Abstract: In spite of European and American efforts to push them off their land, eradicate their cultures, and even to exterminate them, Native American peoples have retained their cultures, traditions, and many of their languages. Today, they are flourishing as they work to rejuvenate their cultures, communities, and languages. Native Americans have advanced university degrees, are poets and novelists, and now occupy positions of power in government agencies. They have much to teach America today. While white Americans rolled over the land, extracting resources from beaver pelts to buffalo to whale blubber, Native Americans have traditionally believed that animals and plants should be preserved for the future, that clean water should be maintained, and that humans must not simply own and dominate the natural world, but should live in and along side of it. Today, Native Americans are definitely part of the conversation, and they are very much involved in negotiating the future of land, water, and culture in the United States in the 21st century.