COMD Seminar: “PandeVITA Talk: COVID-19 impact on Gender equality: What is the lesson learnt?”, 7:00PM May 23 (TR-EN)

PandeVITA Video Talk

“COVID-19 impact on Gender equality: What is the lesson learnt?”

May 23, 2023 at 19:00-20:00 Ankara time (18:00-19:00 CEST)

Location: Studio FF-B in the Department of Communication and Design, Bilkent University

The COVID-19 pandemic time was coined by lockdown measures and social distancing. Especially women and other vulnerable groups were at risk. A study conducted by PandeVITA revealed that the actions taken during the pandemic affected women and men differently. According to the UN Rapid Gender Assessment Survey cases of domestic violence against women had increased. The pandemic had devastating social and economic consequences for women and girls. Now the pandemic time is almost over. At least COVID-19 is not as threatening as at the beginning of the pandemic. But how is the situation for women and men now? What did we learn from the pandemic? Are there any improvements for women and other vulnerable groups? Are we prepared for the next crisis? Are there any sustainable concepts which protect vulnerable people in a suitable way?
These and other aspects will be discussed with three experts within the scope of the 3rd PandeVITA talk:

  • Nazlı Özlem Atmaca, President of the Ankara Bar Association Gelincik Center
  • Yasemin Gümüş Ağca, Department of Graphic Design, Bilkent University
  • And via Zoom: Prof. Paola Todini, Faculty of Law, eCampus University, Noverdrate/Italy
  • Moderation: Asst. Prof. Dr. Dr. Lutz Peschke, Coodinator PandeVITA

The PandeVITA talk will be executed within the project PandeVITA. The PandeVITA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006316