To commemorate Prof. İhsan Doğramacı, founder of Bilkent University, on the 10th anniversary of his passing, the following events are planned:
– Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Mevlit will be recited at the Doğramacızade Ali Paşa Mosque, following the noon prayers. Transportation will be provided from Rektörlük building, B-Block at 12:45 p.m.
At 3 p.m., a panel will take place in Mithat Çoruh Auditorium. The panel will be in Turkish; panelists are Edanur Akyüz, Enver Hasanoğlu, Tezer Kutluk, Rasim Özyürek and Hamza Zülfikar.
At 8 p.m., Bilkent Symphony Orchestra will give a concert in memory of İhsan Doğramacı at the Bilkent Concert Hall.
– Saturday, February 29, 2020
At 8 p.m., The Bilkent Chamber Music Days series will offer a “Tribute to Hocabey” concert at the Bilkent Concert Hall.