LAUD Seminar: “(re)THINKING the scope of “URBAN DESIGN”: a synergetic approach to production of urban spaces”, Banu Aksel Gürün, 12:30Noon March 21 2024 (EN)

Speaker: Banu Aksel Gürün
City Planner (PhD) & Urban Designer

Tarih: 21.03.2024
Saat: 12:30
Yer: FB 309

Title: “(re)THINKING the scope of “URBAN DESIGN”: a synergetic approach to production of urban spaces”

After graduating from the Department of City and Regional Planning at METU, Banu Aksel Gürün received her master’s degree in urban design in 2000 and her PhD in 2009 at the same department. She has participated in various urban design & architectural projects as a planner and an urban design expert with BC Tasarım since 2005. For the past 19 years, she has taught as a part-time instructor at METU and TEDU. Currently, she is a part-time instructor at the Department of Urban Design & Landscape Architecture at Bilkent University.

There is no consensus on the definition of “urban design”, which has existed as a practice for more than 75 years. The definitions often reflect the diverse perspectives and priorities of academics and practitioners. Rather than seeking a precise definition, it is more fruitful to focus on the components, variables, processes and content of “Urban Design”. In this presentation, such an approach will be discussed through different projects ranging from briefs to strategic planning studies.