MATH Seminar: “Quasi-equivalence of bases in some Whitney spaces” Alexandre Goncharov, 3PM September 22

Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Alexandre Goncharov (Bilkent)

“Quasi-equivalence of bases in some Whitney spaces”

Abstract: If the logarithmic dimension of a Cantor-type K is smaller than 1, then the space of Whitney functions on K possesses an interpolating Faber basis. At the same time, for any Cantor-type set, the corresponding Whitney space has a plenty of bases from local polynomials. We show that these bases are quasi-equivalent.
The work is joint with Yasemin Şengül (Sabanci University). The research is partially supported by TÜBITAK, Project 119F023.

Date: Tuesday, September 22
Time: 15:00 – 16:00

This is an online seminar. To request the event link, please send a message to