Title: Surface integrity of parts produced by metal additive processes
Speaker: Prof. Joel Rech
Affiliation: Ecole Centrale de Lyon and ENISE, University of Lyon
Date: Friday Februry 4th
Time: 13:30
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Additive manufacturing processes are increasingly gaining importance among mechanical industries. This new field of 3D metal printers covers a wide range of processes using various raw materials (powders, wires, compounds etc.) and different sources of energy (laser, electron beam etc.). It can be stated, however, that the surface integrity (roughness, microstructure, residual stress) of the surfaces generated by additive manufacturing differs considerably from the current state of the art produced by machining and superfinishing processes. This keynote will first aim at summarizing current developments in terms of surface integrity generated by metal additive processes. Then it will present some key finishing processes which can be applied to improve surface integrity depending on the shape of the part and the stiffness of the functional surfaces.
Bio: Joel Rech is Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon – ENISE (University of Lyon). He leads a research group of 23 people working on the characterization and modelling of physical phenomena at the tool/workmaterial interface in cutting and superfinishing operations. He made remarkable breakthroughs in numerical modeling of surface integrity induced by cutting and polishing processes (residual stresses, roughness, microstructure) and in modeling of tribological phenomena (friction, wear etc.) of cutting tools. He has supervised 40 PhD theses and has published more than 250 papers that have been cited over 6200 times. He is member of the CIRP and takes part in the editorial committee of 5 international journals. He has been a member of more than 45 scientific committees of international conferences. From 2014 to 2020, he was Dean for Research in ENISE.