PHIL Seminar: “To which extent can one defend Kant’s moral philosophy?”, Christoph Horn, 3:30PM March 2 (EN)

Title: To which extent can one defend Kant’s moral philosophy?

Speaker: Christoph Horn (Bonn University, Philosophy)

Date: Thursday March 2, 2023
Time: 15.30-17.00 (GMT+3)

This is an online event. To obtain event link please send a message to department.

Kant’s moral philosophy is certainly one of the most attractive parts of his thought. At the same time, serious objections have repeatedly been raised against it, especially in the ethical debate of the last 20-30 Years. In the lecture, I explore the question of how convincing these objections are and up to what point Kant’s position can be defended. In my view, much of value remains, even if one takes the counterarguments as seriously as they deserve.

About the speaker: Christoph Horn is Professor and Chair of Practical Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy at the University of Bonn. He primarily works on ancient philosophy (specially Plato and Aristotle) and practical philosophy (especially Kant, moral philosophy and contemporary political philosophy). In addition to dozens of journal articles and book chapters, he has published nine books dealing with the philosophies of Plotinus, Augustine, and the ancient art of living. He is also the editor of the journals Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophieand Gnomon.