Research Seminar: “Organizing Material: A Research Agenda for the ‘Material Turn’ in Organizational Scholarship,” 1:40PM; Publication Seminar: “Publishing in Management and Organization Studies- Contexts, Paradigms, Communities,” 3:40PM, Gazi İslam (Grenoble Ecole de Management), Ümit Berkman Seminar Room, May 15 (EN)

Date: 15 May 2019, Wednesday
Time:13:40-14:30 Research Seminar
15:40-16:30 Publication Seminar
Place: Faculty of Business Administration,
Ümit Berkman Seminar Room (MA-330)

Gazi İslam
Grenoble Ecole de Management

Organizing Material: A Research Agenda for the “Material Turn” in Organizational Scholarship

Organizational scholarship has been increasingly concerned with the material and aesthetic properties of work. As evidenced by a rapid growth in visual, spatial and object-centered approaches, as well as discussions of embodied cognition and affect, organizational scholarship has been characterized as going through a “material turn”. By acknowledging the materiality of organizing, such scholarship has addressed some of the limitations of purely discursive or cognitive approaches, while offering avenues for studying the impacts of novel technological and material artefacts in organizations. This presentation will discuss the possibilities for current thinking around the material turn in organizing, presenting an ongoing research agenda around different aspects of materiality. I will discuss the theoretical and methodological challenges around defining sites of study, analysing and interpreting data, and theorizing materiality Based on a brief description of my own research agenda around materiality at work, I reflect on the challenges and possibilities of this agenda in organizational scholarship.

Publishing in Management and Organization Studies- Contexts, Paradigms, Communities
The purpose of this talk is to discuss publishing experiences and strategies in organizational scholarship. Drawing on personal experiences in publishing, as well as experience as Section Editor at Journal of Business ethics and editorial board member of Organization Research Methods, Journal of Management, Organization, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Management Decision, and Organization Theory, I will share some of my own observations around academic research and publishing, including: International mobility and publishing, Academic communities and audiences, the relation between methodological choices and publishing, and the evolving nature of academic visibility. The format is meant to be interactive, with ample time for discussion, questions and debate.