Dear Students,
You are cordially invited to seminar organized by the Bilkent Teaching and Learning Support Center (BTLSC).
Title: Time Management
Presenter: Robin Harry Turner
Date: November 14, 2019
Time: 12:40-13:30
Place: Engineering Building, EA409
This talk looks at how we can organise the things we do better in order to be more productive, have more free time and feel less stressed about all the things we have to do. It focuses on three types of task – scheduled events, to-do items and habits – and tools for managing them. The aim is not to be a hyperefficient worker who fills every second productively but to find the minimum effective dose to get things done, avoid overwhelm, and enjoy life.
Robin Turner teaches in the Faculty Academic English Programme, coordinates Bilwrite and is a member of the Bilkent Education Technology Support team. His other interests include lifehacking, role-playing games, fantasy and science fiction, and martial arts. He probably spends too much time on Netflix.