Talk: “Academic Argument as a Formal Structure: The Outlines of a Genre” by Dr. Patrick Fessenbecker, G-160, 12:40 PM October 22 (EN)

We are pleased to invite you to the opening session of the FAE Writing Colloquia: “Writing Matters”

This Thursday, October 22, 12:40-1:20 p.m. in G-160.

Each month, FAE will host a brief talk given by a student, instructor, professor or member of the community on writing (and more specifically, writing at Bilkent University), followed by an open discussion.

This Thursday’s talk will be given by Dr. Patrick Fessenbecker, and is titled “Academic Argument as a Formal Structure: The Outlines of a Genre.”

This is the second talk of the series and subsequent talks will occur on 26 November and 17 December all from 12:40-13:20 in G-160. Anyone is welcome to attend any of the talks.

The purpose of this series is to connect all the different levels of writing teaching going on at Bilkent, with the hopes of developing a stronger communal approach. More information can be found here: