BTLSC Semineri: “Encouraging Student-AI Collaboration”, 9:30 21 Mart 2024 (EN)

We invite you to the forthcoming “Encouraging Student-AI Collaboration” workshop. The workshop is scheduled for the 21st of March from 9:30-12:30 in G160. We have 30 spaces; please sign up using the following link. Don’t forget to bring your laptops.

About the workshop:

For educators, the advent of AI introduces unprecedented challenges and opportunities, compelling us to rethink our roles and strategies in the digital age. This workshop aims to explore the potential of AI in education and address the question: How should we respond to the ubiquitous presence of AI to benefit our students?
During this session, we’ll review the different ways that humans and AI can interact, with a focus on collaboration and intelligence augmentation—a synergy where human cognition is enhanced through AI support, leading to augmented learning and productivity. We then explore how we can encourage learner-AI collaboration to facilitate student-centered learning.

Participants will practice redesigning assignments to foster effective student-AI partnerships. We will work on facilitating student use of AI to enhance the learning experience and prepare learners for a future where AI is an integral part of problem-solving and innovation.

We look forward to your presence at this gathering.
Bilkent Teaching and Learning Support Center (BTLSC)