“Understanding and Managing the main Psychological Problems Experienced by Students”
January 16-17-18, 2023 2:00-3:30 pm
(please ask for the password: btlsc@bilkent.edu.tr)
This seminar series aim to make a brief introduction to the main psychological problems experienced by students and help instructors to better understand and manage such situations they may encounter in their academic work. It consists of 3 days and a variety of topics will be covered.
- On the first day (January 16, 2023), mood and anxiety disorders, grieving period and ADHD will be discussed.
- The second day (January 17, 2023) will cover personality
- The last day (January 18, 2023) is spared for the question’s instructors have.
Note: It is not obligatory to attend all days of the seminar series. You can assume each day as a separate seminar.
About İ. Selin Günhan
İpek Selin Günhan is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She received her Bachelor’s Degree with Cum Laude from Bilkent University Department of Psychology. She spent a semester in the University of Groningen as an exchange student. During her undergraduate studies she worked as a research assistant in the National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM) Visual Perception and Attention Laboratory and Bilkent University Development Psychology Research Center. She completed her Bachelor’s thesis “Influence of Genetics on Cognition: Relationship Between IQ and Working Memory in Adolescent and Young Adult Twins” in UMRAM Brain Development and Psychosis Studies Laboratory. She did her internship at Hacettepe University Hospitals Department of Psychiatry.
She received her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from Başkent University with her thesis titled “Investigation of Relationship and Partner-Centered Obsessions in Borderline Personality Organization in an Object Relations Perspective”. She continued her research and psychotherapeutical activities in Başkent University Stress Management Applications Center. Then she worked as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in Ankara Madalyon Psychiatry Center. Now she is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in Bilkent University, where she also teaches at the Department of Psychology.