GRA Semineri: “A Typographic Journey in the Late Ottoman Period”, Dr. Özlem Özkal, 18:00 21 Nisan (EN)

‘A Typographic Journey in the Late Ottoman Period by Dr. Özlem Özkal’

Dear Colleagues and Students,
You are cordially invited to an online seminar titled ‘A Typographic Journey in the Late Ottoman Period by Dr. Özlem Özkal’ organized by the Department of Graphic Design.

GE 250/251: 10 Points

Date: 21.04.2022-Thursday
Time: 18.00-19.00
Online Zoom Seminar Info:
Meeting Room 148 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Gra Event: Özlem Özkal Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 21, 2022 06:00 PM Istanbul

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Dr. Özlem Özkal graduated from METU Industrial Design Department in 1991, Dr. Özlem Özkal has received her M.F.A (1994) and Ph. D. (1999) degrees in Bilkent University, Department of Graphic Design.

In between 1996-2005 and 2009-2013 she taught applied and theoretical courses on typography and graphic design in Bilkent University. During the years 2006-2009 she joined the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where she taught typography and graphic design in the CE program, ‘Urban Politics of Type’ in the Text & Image Arts program, and design foundation at Tufts University. Along with her academic research, Dr. Ozkal also worked as an art director. Her fields of specialty are typographic design and history, visual communication and design education.

A Typographic Journey in the Late Ottoman Period.

It is no secret that İbrahim Müteferrika had found the first print shop to print books in Turkish, but have you ever wondered who made the type he used? After him, how did the state press obtain new type sets? Who initiated a private newspaper which was art directed with a ‘typographic understanding’? Who excelled the art of typography in Istanbul, thus earned the nickname ‘Eastern Gutenberg’? Who had the first office dedicated merely to the creation of metal type? Which typographic issues divided the leading intellectuals? How did typographic practice react to the inevitable debate between tradition and modernity?

In this talk, while finding answers to these questions, you would be able to have a look at the typographic scene before the script reform in Turkey. From a design perspective, this presentation will concentrate on the Ottoman print culture and it will review the notable actors and their stories by flipping through visual samples. If you are interested to know more about the history of design and typography in Turkey, this presentation will help you obtain perspective and information about how a young and spirited craft has transformed into an emerging creative field.