HIST Semineri: “Bilkent History Graduate Symposium”, 10:30 4-5 Mayıs (EN)

Title: Bilkent History Graduate Symposium

Date and Time: 04-05 May 2023, 10.30 – 17.30

Avenue: FEASS, C-Block Amphi


You are cordially invited to the “Bilkent History Graduate Symposium” which will take place in Thursday and Friday, 4th and 5th of May, 2023 at C-Block Amphi organised by the Department of History.
We welcome diverse, innovative, and creative approaches to Byzantine, European, Ottoman, American, and Global History, with no chronological limits. We particularly encourage an interdisciplinary approach to the topics in question.
Prof. Dr. Christoph K. Neumann, The Director of the Orient-Institut Istanbul, who will also be the keynote speaker of the symposium will make valuable contributions. (Turning a Language into a Provincial and Dead Tongue: Arabic in the Non-Arabophone Regions of the Ottoman Empire during the Long Nineteenth Century)

Bio: Christoph K. Neumann received his PhD from Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich in 1992 and received his associate professorship in new and contemporary history in 2006. After working at Prague Karlova, Istanbul Technical and Istanbul Bilgi Universities, he has been holding the chair of Turkicology at the Near and Middle East Studies Institute at Munich Ludwig Maximilian University since 2008. In parallel with his professorship at LMU between 2009 and 2016, he continued to lecture at Istanbul Bilgi University as a guest. He worked at OII from 1993 to 1996, when the institute was then a branch of the Beirut Orient Institute.
His research focuses on the history and culture of Türkiye and the Ottoman Empire. He is also a German and Turkish translator and a member of the editorial board of various Turkish scientific journals. A Brief History of Turkey, co-written with Klaus Kreiser and published in German by Reclam Publishing, has been translated into Czech, Italian and Turkish.
Christoph K. Neumann is currently Vice-President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Southeastern European Community e.V. He is a founding member and board member of the Turcology, Ottoman Studies and Turkey Studies Association.

If you have any further inqueries, please contact: historygradsymposium@gmail.com.