MATH Semineri: “A Variational Approach to Stress-Rate Type Strain-Limiting Viscoelasticity”, Yasemin Şengül Tezel, 16:00 31 Mayıs (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Yasemin Şengül Tezel (Cardiff University)
“A variational approach to stress-rate type strain-limiting viscoelasticity”

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the existence of solutions for a stress-rate type model of viscoelastic material response in the context of strain-limiting theory. First, we use a stress-rate type constitutive relation and the equation of motion to derive a partial differential equation where unlike classical equations in elasticity the unknown is the stress rather than the deformation. Secondly, we introduce a variational framework to prove the existence of solutions to this equation by considering it as the Euler-Lagrange equation corresponding to a suitably chosen functional. We use the method of minimization of this functional in a time-discretized setting in order to solve the problem. This is joint work with Anja Schlomerkemper and Luisa Bachmann, both from the University of Wurzburg.

Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Time: 16:00 – 17:00, GMT+3.
Place: SA-Z20