MATH Semineri: “Complete Segal Spaces and Generalizations to Higher $(infty,n)$-categories”, Julie Bergner, 16:30 16 Mayıs (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Topology Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Julie Bergner (University of Virginia)

“Complete Segal spaces and generalizations to higher $(infty,n)$-categories”

Abstract: Complete Segal spaces provide one of the nicest models for $(infty,1)$-categories from the perspective of homotopy theory, since the model structure can be obtained as a localization of the Reedy model structure on simplicial spaces. In this talk, we’ll recall complete Segal spaces and their model structure, and then compare them with other models. We will then look at some of the ways these comparisons can be generalized higher $(infty,n)$-categories.

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Time: 16:30
Place: ZOOM

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