You are cordially invited to the Quantum Computing Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.
Speaker: Ho Yiu Chung (Bilkent)
“Contextuality as a resource for measurement-based quantum computation beyond qubits”
Abstract: When dealing with an MBQC with binary outcome measurements the following is true: a nonlinear function is computed if and only if the resource is strongly contextual. However, this tidy result does not remain true when the set of outcomes is ����>2. Frembs, et al. consider the more general case of ����-outcome measurements and establish that strong contextuality is needed to compute functions (i.e., polynomials) of a certain degree not possible for the classical side-processor.
References: arXiv:1804.07364
Date: Friday, Feb 3, 2023
Time: 14:30
Place: SA141- Mathematics Seminar Room