MATH Semineri: “Counting Wedderburn components of finite group algebras over Q_p”, Robert Boltje, 11:00 30 Kasım (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Algebra Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Robert Boltje (University of California Santa Cruz)

“Counting Wedderburn components of finite group algebras over Q_p”

Abstract: Let b be a block idempotent of the finite group algebra Z_p G. We present a conjecture that expresses the number of Wedderburn components of Q_p G of a given “type” as an alternating sum of those numbers for blocks associated with b on p-local subgroups. We prove that this conjecture is equivalent to a refinement of Alperin’s weight conjecture due to Turull and that it holds for various classes of blocks. This is joint work with Burkhard Külshammer.

Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 (UTC+3)

This is an online seminar. To request the event link, please send a message to