MATH Semineri: “Linear dynamical properties of weighted backward shifts on spaces of real analytic functions”, Can Deha Karıksız, 19:00 11 Mayıs (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Can Deha Karıksız (Özyeğin University)
” Linear dynamical properties of weighted backward shifts on spaces of real analytic functions.”

Abstract: In this joint work with late Pawel Domanski, we give certain conditions on
several linear dynamical properties of the weighted backward shift operators
B_w: A(Ω) → A(Ω),
with weight sequences w = (w_n)n∈N, acting on the spaces of real analytic functions A(Ω) on open subsets Ω of R containing zero. These are linear continuous operators on A(Ω) that send the unit function to the zero function, and the monomials x^n to w_n x^(n−1) for all n ∈ N.
Two main difficulties that arise in this consideration are that the locally convex spaces A(Ω), equipped with their natural topology, are non-metrizable and have no Schauder basis. A useful tool for obtaining conditions on hypercyclicity and chaos in this case is the description of the point spectra and the eigenspaces of weighted backward shifts on A(Ω).

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Time: 19:00 – 20:00, GMT+3.
Place: Zoom

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