MATH Semineri: “Quantum universality and magic state distillation”, Selman Ipek, 14:30 31 Mart (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Quantum Computing Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Selman Ipek (Bilkent University)
“Quantum universality and magic state distillation”

Abstract: Stabilizer circuits can be promoted to quantum universality via the injection of magic states. An open question is the determination of precisely which non-stabilizer quantum states can be considered “magic”. Following Reichardt, we discuss magic state distillation protocols that tighten the boundary between the classically efficiently simulatable regime and that of full universal quantum computation.

References: Reichardt (2005); arXiv:0608085
References: Reichardt (2009);

Date: Friday, March 31 2023
Time: 14:30
Place: SA141 – Mathematics Seminar Room & ZOOM

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