MATH Semineri: “Stable perfect isometries of blocks of finite groups”, Çisil Karagüzel, 19:00 11 Mayıs (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Algebra Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Çisil Karagüzel (UC Santa Cruz)

“Stable perfect isometries of blocks of finite groups”

Abstract: This is joint work with Robert Boltje. Let (K,O,F) be a p-modular system which is large enough for finite groups G and H. Let A be a p-block of the group algebra OG, and B be a p-block of the group algebra OH.

In 1990, Michel Broue’ introduced the definition of a perfect isometry between the p-blocks A and B which is a generalized K-valued character leading to a special bijection between the sets of ordinary irreducible characters of A and B. In this talk, we introduce and investigate the notion of stable perfect isometries – a way to consider perfect isometries up to generalized projective characters of the corresponding p-blocks.

Our interest lies in understanding in which cases a stable perfect isometry can be lifted to a perfect isometry. We will answer this question for the p-block OP where P is an abelian p-group.

Date: May 11, 2022
Time: 19:00 (UTC+3)

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