PSYC Semineri: “My Journey on Ambivalent Sexism in Turkey”, Nuray Sakallı, 12:30 21 Mart (EN)

Please join Bilkent University’s Psychology Department on Tuesday for the visit of Prof. Nuray Sakallı.

Speaker: Nuray Sakallı. Middle East Technical University

“My Journey on Ambivalent Sexism in Turkey”

Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Time: 12:30
Room: A-130

My presentation will be about some of my studies on ambivalent sexism. First of all, I will briefly explain ambivalent sexism which was developed by Glick and Fiske (1996). The researchers argue that the simultaneous existence of male structural power and female dyadic (relationship-based) power creates ambivalent sexist ideologies, composed of hostile and benevolent sexism. The model suggests that there are three main sources of sexism which are patriarchy, gender differentiation, and sexual attraction. Hostile sexism consists of dominative paternalism, competitive gender differentiation, and hostile heterosexuality; whereas benevolent sexism covers protective paternalism, complementary gender differentiation, and heterosexual intimacy. After the brief introduction of the model, I will summarize my studies on ambivalent sexism’s association with attitudes toward women (1) who are target of violence (e.g., wife beating, rape, sexual harassment); (2) who gain status and power through education or job, and (3) who want to give their own decision about their life (e.g., having a child or not, and divorce). Finally, I will briefly talk about what I plan to study in the future.

About the speaker:
Dr. Nuray Sakallı graduated from Ankara University, Department of Psychology in 1989. Then, she obtained a scholarship from the Ministry of Education to do her masters’ and PhD education in the field of social psychology in the USA. She completed her masters’ degree at Ball State University in 1992 and her doctorate degree at University of Kansas in 1996. She has been working at the Department of Psychology in Middle East Technical University since February, 1997. She has offered several courses in the social psychology area such as “Social Psychology,” “Psychology of Gender,” “Attitudes & Attitude Change,” and “Intergroup Relations.” Her research interests are attitudes, attitude change, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, ambivalent sexism, manhood, honor, and women issues. She is also interested in theories relevant to intergroup relations such as terror management, social dominance, system justification, minority influence, and collective action.