UNAM Semineri: “Micro/Nano Processing Technology for Metamaterials”, Yoshiaki Kanamori, 16:00 13 Ekim (EN)

You are cordially invited to UNAM Nanocolloquium seminars focusing on advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminars bring us the most recent developments in these exciting fields. This week’s talk will be presented by Prof. Yoshiaki Kanamori*.

Title: Micro/nano processing technology for metamaterials

Date: October 13, 2023 (Friday)
Time: 16:00

UNAM Conference Hall (SU-01)


Micro/nano processing technology for metamaterials
Micro/nano processing technology is one of the important elements for achieving the academic progress and industrialization of metamaterials. There are strong expectations for the establishment of micro/nano fabrication technology to produce metamaterials that meet needs. Here, the metamaterials developed in my research group and their microfabrication technologies are discussed.

(i) Hydrogen annealing techniques
By promoting the self-diffusion of silicon surface atoms in a high-temperature hydrogen atmosphere, the shape of the silicon surface can be deformed in the order of micro/nano meter. A structural color device (I) for visible light can be fabricated using this technology, and a silicon dielectric metamaterial with a target size can be fabricated at a target location.

(ii) Silicon direct bonding technologies
We have developed a technology to fabricate an anti-reflection metasurface on the slope of a silicon prism (II), which is difficult to fabricate with a normal semiconductor process, and have realized high-efficiency terahertz light sources.

(iii) Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
A MEMS-driven reconfigurable metamaterial device fabrication technology has been developed. We have developed tunable filters for optical communication and 6G communication systems (III). A part of this work was supported by JST, CREST Grant Number JPMJCR2102, Japan.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Yoshiaki Kanamori, earned his Ph.D. in Engineering from the Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering at Tohoku University, in 2001, and he assumed the role of Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering. He was a visiting researcher between 2002 and 2003 at the Laboratory of Photonics and Nanostructure, in CNRS, France. Dr. Kanamori was appointed as an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering in 2007 and later professor in 2019. Previously, he was the director of the Micro and Nanomachining Research and Education Center (MNC). Dr. Kanamori assumed the position of Director at the Metamaterials Research and Innovation Center (Meta-RIC) and joined Green Future Creation Organization at Tohoku University.

*Tohoku University, Japan