Ana Sayfa » VPN


Off-campus Access to Bilkent University’s On-line Library Resources

Bilkent Library’s on-line resources are freely accessible through computers/devices located on Bilkent network. However, when Bilkenters try to access these resources from their homes, or more generally, using computers located outside the Bilkent network, license owner’s of these resources deny the privilege.Bilkent University provides two services to enable access to these resources from off-campus locations:

  1. LibProxy web proxy service and
  2. a VPN service.

The LibProxy service is relatively easier to setup and use but restricted to web based services. The VPN service is a more general purpose service which also enables users to access non-library resources as well (like shell access to Bilkent servers, etc.)In either case, the user will need a VPN/Proxy account. The VPN/Proxy account can be used for both the VPN service and the LibProxy service.

In order to open a VPN/LibProxy account, one needs to be a Bilkent affiliate; i.e. a Bilkent student, faculty or staff; and must have valid STARS/BAIS credentials to open the account.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer these services to Bilkent alumni because of the licensing terms enforced by the on-line resource suppliers.

More info and “How to” documentation on the LibProxy service
More info and “How to” documentation on the VPN service