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GE 100 Orientation

What is the GE 100 Orientation Course?

GE 100 helps students learn more about university life in general and Bilkent in particular. It serves as a general orientation for incoming students, and comprises several different activities.

GE 100 is a 1-credit course, and is compulsory for all students.

GE100 Orientation
September 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2024

Welcome to Bilkent University!

Dear Student,

First and foremost, congratulations on joining the Bilkent University community. We wish you much success during your studies at Bilkent.

This booklet will provide you with information about your first course in college, GE100 Orientation, which is designed to introduce you to your new surroundings.

GE100 includes both required and elective sessions and activities. The booklet includes a list of the sessions you are expected to attend, and summaries of the content of those sessions. GE100 Orientation is very different from the rest of the classes that you will be taking at Bilkent. By participating in the activities required for this course, you gain the opportunity to enjoy this new environment and familiarize yourself with the university and its many facilities. GE100 Orientation has been designed as a program that will assist you in a variety of ways as you begin student life here, with the ultimate purpose of helping you reach your goals and expectations during your studies at Bilkent University.

Besides creating an intellectually stimulating academic environment, our goal is to contribute to your personal development and provide you with the opportunity to become an active member of your new community. The activities included in the orientation program will allow you to make new friends and meet Bilkent administrators and staff members. You will communicate with people who will support you and help you get the best out of your college years. You will explore the campus, including the dormitories, classrooms, studios, laboratories, sports centers, and other indoor and outdoor facilities. You will be able join any of the university’s numerous student clubs and societies, and will be introduced to Bilkent University Library, which is the go-to place for many social and cultural activities as well as a center for study and research. College life is especially important in that it facilitates opportunities for self-development and self-discovery. Above all, it prepares you for the time after college, when it will be in your hands to shape your own future.

Bilkent University



  • GE100 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş / GE100 Orientation ( PDF )



To check your point total and view updated information about GE100 Orientation,
please use http://stars.bilkent.edu.tr/srs starting from October 18, 2024.

  1. Go to http://stars.bilkent.edu.tr/srs
  2. Type in your student ID number and your STARS password
  3. Choose “Information” from the menu, then “GE100”

The deadline for any claim or objection regarding GE100 grades is December 24, 2024.


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