Home » GE 500: Spring 2018 Semester Announcement

GE 500: Spring 2018 Semester Announcement

GE 500 is a zero-credit required course that aims to contribute to the preparation of graduate students for their careers. Graduate students register for GE 500 in the first semester of the program in which they are enrolled, and they need to pass the course with an S (Satisfactory) grade within two semesters.

All graduate students are required to participate in a set of activities in the context of GE 500. The participation in this set of activities contributes towards the completion of the required course GE 500. Each student is expected to keep a file that will be her/his personal portfolio to maintain a record of the activities for personal use.

The course has two components. One is to acquire an understanding of what is involved in graduate studies by regular discussion with academic advisor. This component is to be followed by the program in which the student is enrolled. The second component includes a series of independent modules that are offered in which the student needs to participate. This component aims to contribute to the preparation of graduate students for their careers. To this end, the University offers a series of workshops, short courses, and seminars in the Fall and Spring semesters in the form of modules. The modules are independent of each other. All modules are offered each semester. Students are strongly advised to take a particular module as soon as it is offered.

Currently, there are modules on academic ethics and integrity, basics of effective university teaching, participation at seminars/presentations regularly held by graduate programs, research impact, and library as a resource for graduate students.

GE 500 Modules Scheduled for Spring 2018 Semester

Each graduate student is required to participate in all five modules offered in the course. Exemption from a module is only possible under a reasonable circumstance and is granted upon the student’s request to the Graduate Program Chair and the written approval of the Supervisor/Graduate Program Chair and the Director of the related Graduate Institute.

Modules I, II, IV and V are organized by the Provost Office. Module III is to be organized by the student herself/himself together with her/his program.

How to register:

Log in to SRS (http://stars.bilkent.edu.tr/srs) and use the “GE500” link under Services top menu item to register. Please, e-mail Ms. Birgül Bulut at bbulut@bilkent.edu.tr if you have further questions.

Graduate students can follow their personal information on the modules that they have attended as well as other pertinent information on GE 500 using SRS by selecting “GE 500” from the “Information” menu”.


Spring 2018 Modules

MODULE I: “Academic Ethics and Integrity” by Prof. Abdullah Atalar
Time & Place: February 20th, Tuesday, 13:40-15:00, at FADA, FFB05.


MODULE II: “Basics of Effective University Teaching” by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Emrah Özensoy
This presentation aims to introduce strategies for engaging students to their courses as effective listeners, readers, thinkers, and writers. In addition to suitable syllabus and assignment designs, these strategies describe ways to improve students’ motivation, active learning, and critical thinking in a challenging class environment.
Time & Place: March 5th, Monday 13:40-15:00, at FADA, FFB22.


MODULE III: “Participation at seminars/presentations regularly held by Graduate Programs
This module requires the students participation in a set of research seminars and/or scholarly talks and presentations regularly held by the student’s own graduate program or another graduate program of her/his choice. Students most probably already attend such seminars/talks. The total number of seminars/talks to be attended is to be decided and to be arranged by the student herself/himself together with the graduate program.


MODULE IV: “Research Impact” by Prof. Dr. Refet Gürkaynak
How to generate impact in the field? How can you make your voice heard and your findings visible? How to publish not to perish? Where to publish? What should you expect from the publication process? Why should I care for an extended research family when I am happy with my nucleus research family? How to become part of the international research family? This module will explore these issues and many other related questions.
Time & Place: March 12th, Monday, 13:40-15:00, at FADA, FFB22.
Any graduate student can participate in Module IV.


MODULE V: “How Can the Library Help Your Graduate Research: Resources and Techniques” by Dr. Ebru Kaya
This workshop is intended to introduce the library services and resources (print and electronic), and demonstrate how they can help graduate students in all stages of researching and writing a thesis or a term project report. Topics covered will include: choosing your topic and determining “what’s been done” already; finding new resources; accessing new resources; organizing and managing your resources; staying up–to-date; and, finally putting it all together and preparing your dissertation.
Time & Place: March 19th, Monday, 13:40-15:00, at FADA, FFB22.