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Guidelines for Summer Internship during the Pandemic

Options available for summer internships  

The following options can be considered for this summer’s internships:

  • Physical internship (or a blended form of physical and virtual internships)
  • Virtual / Remote internship
  • Project-based internship

If a student is not able to arrange a physical or remote internship, he/she can work on a project to fulfill the requirements of internship. The project may be assigned by a faculty member or may be created by the student. A project proposed by a student requires approval of the internship coordinator of the students’s department. The project topic can be related to any subject that is in the major field of the student. It is possible to investigate a specific problem encountered or a new trend that appeared during the coronavirus pandemic. Departments can recommend resources for finding project topics. Project-based work of a student is supervised and evaluated by a faculty member.

Duration of internship

At least 20 full working days must be dedicated to the work conducted for internship. This period of time does not include the additional time required to write the internship report.

Postponing the internship

It is possible for students to postpone their internship to the next summer if this does not affect the date of graduation. If the curriculum includes two summer training courses, two internships will be allowed to be completed consecutively in the next summer.

Internship while taking summer school classes

Internships are allowed to be done while attending the Summer School. This requires the internship to cover a wider time frame than its normal duration. At most one summer course can be taken while doing the internship.

Health insurance for the duration of summer internship

The university provides health insurance for internships. This insurance is made for the purpose of protection against situations such as having a work accident or being exposed to occupational disease.

Internship report guidelines

The guidelines for content, logical organization, style and formatting can vary by Faculty / Department.  Students should consult their Internship Coordinator for details on this matter.

Latest date to finish internship

Normally, the summer internship must be finished before the Fall semester starts. If a legitimate reason arises, the exemption to this rule can be granted by the Dean’s office.

Internship in parts

The internship should normally be completed in one continuous period. In exceptional cases, with the approval of the Dean’s office the internship can consist of parts that take place in two separate periods.