Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL) has recently launched the concept of “Lunch Time Sample Department Lectures” series to give the opportunity to its English Preparatory Program students to attend a ‘live’ sample lecture offered in their department. BUSEL students practice the ‘listening and note taking’ and ‘asking questions’ skills learnt in the Prep Program, test their own performance in these skills, meet the professor in their department, and ask them questions related to their department that they will soon join. The first sample lecture of the series was held on Friday, December 15th in the East Campus Conference Hall.
Faculty of Business Administration students studying in the English Preparatory Program had the opportunity to attend a lecture on “Introduction to Business Administration” offered by Associate Dean, Assist. Prof. Dr. Örsan Örge and practice the learnt skills. Students also had a chance to ask various questions to Dr. Örge related to things they wonder about their department. “Lunch Time Sample Department Lectures” series will continue in the Spring semester with sample lectures offered by other Faculties.