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University Senate

The Rector heads the University Senate. Its members are the Vice Rectors, deans, school directors and one representative from each faculty and institute, and the president of the student council. It is the decision-making body for academic matters. The Senate also makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on issues presented to it by the Board, including the granting of honorary academic degrees.


Yasemin Afacan, Necmi Akşit, M. Selim Aktürk, Orhan Arıkan, Alipaşa Ayas, Kürşat Aydoğan (Rector), Orhan Aytür (Vice Rector), Bülent Batuman, Hüseyin Boyacı, Hilmi Volkan Demir, Erdal Erel (Vice Rector), Oğuz Gülseren, Lale Tomruk Gümüşlüoğlu, Refet S. Gürkaynak, H. Altay Güvenir, Ezhan Karaşan (Vice Rector), Ayşe Keens, Tufan Kıymaz, Çağlar Manavgat, Gülüm Özçelik, Tayfun Özçelik, Simon D. Vigley, Tolga Yayalar, Bahar Yetiş