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Vehicle Stickers

1.1.1.  All students, academic and administrative personnel, alumni and affiliated company employees who would like to enter the University campus on a regular basis with a vehicle must obtain a sticker at the Security and Civil Defence Office in order to pass through the gates and use the parking lots located in campus vicinity.

1.1.2.  Vehicle stickers for all students (undergraduate, graduate and post graduate) are issued at the beginning of the each academic year and are valid only during that particular year.

1.1.3. Vehicle stickers for company employees are issued every December and are valid for one year only.

1.1.4. Vehicles without any registration will not be allowed to enter the campus.

1.1.5. Undergraduate students who wish to get a vehicle sticker for the first time should attend the Traffic Orientation Program and receive a passing score on the exam administrated at the end of the program.

1.1.6. Vehicle sticker should be affixed properly either at the upper or lower left corner of the front window. Vehicle sticker is only given for the registered car, and can’t be used for other cars.

1.1.7. In the case that the car is sold, changed owner or has a damaged sticker, the sticker should be removed and returned to the Security and Civil Defence Office or the Traffic Office for a free of charge replacement.

1.1.8. In the case that the old sticker is not returned, new one (replacement) is issued and the amount of charge is determined in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Twice as much the standard price is charged for the undergraduate student vehicle sticker replacement. Standard price is charged for the graduate and post-graduate student sticker replacement. Academic and administrative personnel are charged with ¼ of the standard student vehicle sticker amount. Standard price is charged for alumni sticker replacements. Company employees are charged with twice as much the standard amount of the undergraduate student vehicle sticker. Visitors are charged with 1/10 of the standard student vehicle sticker amount.

1.1.9 Multiple car owners must get a sticker for each car they drive on campus, and the amount of charge is determined in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Twice as much of the standard price is charged for the undergraduate students’ second vehicle sticker. Standard price is charged for the graduate and post-graduate students’ vehicle sticker. Alumni are not provided with a second vehicle sticker.